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Holiday Projects

Some of the school virtues we focus on are….

Friendliness; Joyfulness; Respect; Helpfulness; Self-Discipline; Tact

The Virtues underpin the ethos of our School. Virtues are aspects of character which we try to develop in children. The virtue of the week is introduced in Monday’s assembly and taken as a theme throughout the week. In Friday’s assembly staff are invited to highlight pupils who have demonstrated the virtue during the week and award them a star pupil badge. You can see our virtues displayed around the walls in our school hall.

All Parents / Carers are welcome to attend a celebration assembly one a half term.

These Virtues are supported by our School Rules / Rules for Life:​

  • Care for and respect everyone and everything​

  • Show good manners at all time​

  • Follow instructions with thought and care.

RTIME or ‘Relationship’ Time features constantly in all classes.This may take the form of mini sessions in class, to ‘putting in to practice in the playground or dinner hall. The children are given the opportunity to work with a random partner on a small task that involves sharing, consideration ad turntaking, as well as listening and communication skills.

For example, two children are asked to tie a knot in a piece of string, however, they must both place their ‘good’ hand behind their back – this involves a great deal more communication and teamwork! Try it for yourselves!


We offer a free confidential Parent Library/ Book Loaning service. We have a range of books offering advice on delicate yet critical subjects that may affect not only the pupils here at Ludgvan School, but also older siblings and Parents/Carers. Some of the topics covered are Transition; Financial issues; Alcohol and drug abuse; Seperation and divorce; Behaviour and many more. Please ask at the office to have a look at the range of books available.

All pupils have the chance to earn themselves ‘Golden time minutes’. However many minutes are banked during the week, can be ‘spent’ on a choice of activities. Pupils sign up to a ‘reward’ that they would like to have a go at. These are generally a sporty activity; an arty activity; an ICT based activity; a cooking activity; or a drama/dance activity. These activities change every two weeks, meaning the pupils need to use their organisational skills to plan ahead and sign up for their activities.

Ask your child about this week’s virtue. If you would like to contribute to this week’s focus, please contact us via the ‘contact us’ page.

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